冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 encourages students to speak with instructors and advisors with any questions or concerns about dropping, cancellation, or withdrawing. 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 follows all North Dakota State Board of Higher Education policies and North Dakota University System procedures concerning student course drops, withdraws and refunds.
Course Drop
This procedure allows students to discontinue enrollment in a particular course, but to maintain enrollment in some courses for the semester. All course drops must be completed in CampusConnection.
Withdraw to Zero Credits
This procedure allows students to withdraw to zero credits for the semester. Students withdrawing completely from 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 must complete the
Cancel/Withdraw to Zero form in Campus Connection. On your home page in Campus Connection click on the eForms tile. In the margin on the left hand side, select "Academic Records" and click “Cancel/Withdraw to Zero” and then complete the withdrawal form.
Administrative Hardship Withdraw
The procedure allows students the opportunity to
appeal a transcript record following a course drop, a withdraw to zero credits, or past the last day to drop with record due to extenuating circumstances (medical, military, death in immediate family, natural disasters, etc). Contact
wsc.records@paulytheprayingpup.com to request the Administrative Hardship Withdrawal Form.
Student Finance Drop or Withdraw Appeal
Tuition and fee refunds are calculated in compliance with policy set by the State Board of Higher Education. Students, who wish to
appeal tuition and fee charges due to extenuating circumstances (medical, military, death in immediate family, natural disasters, etc), may do so by following an appeal process and submitting the Student Finance Drop/Withdraw Appeal Form to the Student Finance Office.
Students Reported as Non-Attending
Students who are reported for courses as non-attending based on the important dates rubric, will be charged 25% of the tuition and fees for that course and receive a W on their transcript.
Tuition & Fee Refund Schedule
Percent of Course Completed*
Tuition and Fees Refunded |
Dropping a Class |
Withdrawing |
0.000% - 8.999% |
100% |
100% |
9.000% - 34.999% |
0% |
75% |
35.000% - 59.999% |
0% |
50% |
60.000% - 100.000% |
0% |
0% |
* When eligibility for a refund is calculated, 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 takes the number of calendar days that have elapsed since the class has started and divides that by the number of calendar days in the class. As a result a class with fewer calendar days will have a shorter deadline to receive a refund.